Monday, 19 October 2009

Climate Change

A huge issue that is very often in newspapers in the issue of climate change. I decided to research into the effect that it would have on the artic and ints wildlife. I chose to use penguins instead of polar bears as when I researched cartoons concerned with the issue, polar bears were very commonaly used in a similar way to how I planned.

I first drew my cartoons large to enhance the detail of them. then scaled them down after scanning them into photoshop.

Research claims that by 2020 the ice in the artic will have almost completely melted.

This cartoon addresses the issue of "What will happen to the wildlife if the ice melts?"

The article above where i placed my cartoon is about climate change and therefore my catroon fits accordingly

1 comment:

  1. very beautiful!
    I can not write too much for using Google transducer and made many mistakes, I guess .....
    I speak Romanian and Spanish!
    and invite you to visit my blog!
